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10. It's a resume builder, but only if you attend for the full week.

9. Be part of a more than 76 year tradition, sponsored by the largest women's patriotic organization – The American Legion Auxiliary.

8. Have fun and show off your talent during our annual talent revue!

7. Famous people have attended including...

- former Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano
- former Washington Governor Christine Gregoire,

- Jane Pawley
- Kentucky Lt. Governor Crit Luallen and

- BG (Ret.) Anne Fields McDonald (USMA graduate from the first class including women). 

6. You'll be preparing for a chance to be chosen by your fellow Kentucky Girls Staters to represent the program as a Girls Nation Delegate to go to Washington D.C. and represent Kentucky as a Senator (and possibly meet the President!)

5. Develop valuable skills public speaking, debating, journalism, confidence

4. Speakers are awesome: hear their motivating messages and put them to good use.

3. You'll have the interesting opportunity to run your own city.

2. Make new friends for the week, for the summer and some even for life.

1. Be empowered and surrounded by other enthusiastic, intelligent young women.

Testimonials From past delegates

“Girls State not only allowed me to gain a greater appreciation of how government works, my rights as a citizen, and a desire to give back to my country, but it also introduced me to lifelong friends.”
-Kirsten Logan,
2012 Kentucky Girls State Citizen

“Last summer, I had the experience of a lifetime...this opportunity allowed me to appreciate the government in a whole new way, to listen to amazing guest speakers, and to make lifetime friends.”
-Emalee Haynes
2015 Kentucky Girls State Citizen

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